Wayne Public Library Wireless Network Policy
Our wireless network is available for information-gathering purposes only. Betting and wagering transactions are prohibited. Accessing and/or displaying photos or graphics from obscene or sexually explicit sites are prohibited.
There will be a cost of .15 cents for each page a patron prints (whether intentional or unintentional). Copies can be picked up at the adult reference desk (cash only).
The Staff of the Wayne Public Library cannot provide in-depth training on the Internet.
The Library cannot be held liable for damages - including viruses - to personal storages devices and equipment.
Use of the Internet at the Wayne Public Library is for legal purposes only. Illegal uses, including software piracy, are not permitted. Library patrons must comply with the United States copyright law and all other applicable laws.
The Wayne Public Library cannot guarantee the accuracy of information gathered from the Internet and accepts no responsibility for inaccurate or incorrect information.