Donations to the Library


Used Book Donations

We accept donations of gently used books, CDs, and DVDs. We are unable to accept donations of damaged books, musty/moldy/dirty books, textbooks, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, puzzles, VHS tapes, or cassette tapes. Donations may be added to the library collection, sold in the Friends’ used book sales, or recycled.


Memorial Gifts and Other Monetary Donations

Monetary gifts are always welcome. Gifts may be given in memory or in honor of a person. Download a gift form or pick one up by the community bulletin board in the library. Turn in your completed form with a check payable to “Wayne Public Library” at the library’s circulation desk, or mail your form and check to: Wayne Public Library, 3737 S. Wayne Rd., Wayne, MI 48184.


Thank you to our recent donors

Winter 2024-2025

Christine Zech, in memory of Virgie Mack

Cecilia J. Lakin, in memory of Irene Virgie Mack

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Virgie Mack

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Burton Shurlow

Wayne Rotary Club, in memory of David Carpenter

Wayne Rotary Club, in memory of Judith Shelton

Wayne Rotary Club, in memory of Tom Weyand

Wayne Rotary Club, in memory of Harold Rediske

Tanya and Doug Redmond, in memory of Virgie Mack

Pat Rice, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Pat Rice, in memory of Virgie Mack

Pat Rice, in memory of Donna Jean Angel

Ginny and Vince Cesarz, in memory of Donna Jean Angel

Christine and John Zech, in memory of Donna Jean Angel

Glenwood Heights Homeowners Association, in memory of Patti Stoner

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Ruth Wenzel

Glenwood Heights Homeowners Association, in memory of Ruth Wenzel

Wayne Garden Club, in memory of Ruth Wenzel

Fall 2024

Wayne Rotary Club, for literacy programs

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Ed Rowe

Friends of the Wayne Public Library, in memory of Ed Rowe

Summer 2024

Friends of the Wayne Public Library, in support of the Summer Reading Program

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Molly Ann Drlik

Friends of the Wayne Public Library, in honor of Bridget Kelly

Tyler Van Well, in honor of Michelle Van Well

Spring 2024

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Wayne Rotary Club, for literacy programs

Lois and John VanStipdonk, in memory of Sue Tschihart

Wayne Rotary Club, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Millie Kliemann, in memory of Lyla Cassel

The Friends of the Wayne Public Library, in memory of Phyllis Stein

The Friends of the Wayne Public Library, in honor of Lois VanStipdonk

Members of the First Congregational Church of Wayne, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Scott and Todd Stein, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Jeff Hawley, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Anonymous, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Margo Horzelski, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Bev Woodard, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Cynthia Gordon, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Tom and Claudia Buckalew, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Mary Ann Ellis, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Mary and Bill Carney, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Kathleen Finneran (Young), in memory of Phyllis Stein

Wayne Garden Club, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Linda Spidell, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Carol Weyand, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Jan and Jim Hartman, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Barbara Galbraith, in memory of Phyllis Stein

Pat Rice, in memory of Janet Stevens

Pat Rice, in memory of Michele Hunt

Zainab Jaafar-Chami, in memory of Janet Stevens